20 марта 2025, четверг, 4:53
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Хартия 97!

Чтобы не привыкали: Белорусским детям запретили оздороваливаться в одних и тех же странах


Белорусские организации смогут направлять детей на оздоровление только в те иностранные государства, с которыми Беларусь заключила международные договоры, предусматривающие государственные гарантии безопасного пребывания белорусских детей на оздоровлении в данной стране и их своевременного возвращения в страну, говорится в указе Александра Лукашенко.

Комментарии 5
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denise, 7:05, 16.10

Could someone please explain to me what this means for the US programs?

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Jacques ., 7:12, 16.10

Mr Lukshenka ,
What the sam hill are you so afriad of ? Is it possibly that the children may get a taste of what freedom really is , and maybe just like it ???? You may someday become aware that it is impossible to keep daylight from gradually creeping into darknees .Your children are very intelligent and be assured that someday they WILL see the light of a new day for Belarus .

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US Host Parent since 2001, 19:20, 16.10

So sad to hear this news- many of the host governments are dealing with other priorities at this difficult time and the chances of negotiating new agreements for our programs are slim. Even one missed year of hosting will have a terrible impact on our ability to keep the programs alive.

Many of the leaders of the fund raising for Belarusian recuperation visits are long time hosts of older, repeating children. With the older children limited in age and # of visits, I fear that we will lose many leaders of this wonderful program that brings health and economic relief to many families of Belarus. Without the leaders, the programs will end.

Without the older children to be 'Ambassadors' for the program and for their country, the fundraising will fail in these hard economic times. There are many places in the world in need of help and shrinking funds to support such help. President Lukashenka has now limited the neediest of children in his country even further.

I certainly hope he plans to replace this help of medicines, clean air, medical, dental, healthy food and clothing with government funded programs or the future of Belarus, which lies in its children, will be grim.

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David, 20:56, 4.12

Having been to Belarus many times. I see other countries adjacent to Belarus as well even parts of Belarus that are certainly capable of providing more cost-effective recuperative benefits. The vast amounts of money put into these programs from such as the USA would certainly go further with utilization of resources closer to Belarus. Besides, I see street children and orphans in Belarus that stand a substantial greater chance of poor health, abuse, and even death versus the few children chosen from the healthiest for the recuperation programs of which limited health risk exists now for them. Thank you.

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??? ??? ??, 21:36, 8.10

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