22 марта 2025, суббота, 21:34
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 2
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Richard, 17:11, 21.11

Dear Charter 97 Readers,

In this article you read about a great travesty being committed against two foreigners upon entering Belarus for the sole purpose of doing business within Belarus.

When the KGB arrested, Mr. Zeltser, (a U.S. Citizen) and his secretary, Vladlena Funk, (a Russian Citizen) at the Minsk airport the travesty began.

The irony of this fiasco is this, their arrest was a stupid plan which the KGB thought very clever. The end result, two foreigners found guilty on trump up charges within Belarus Courts for simply stepping on the soil of Belarus.

The truth is this. Mr. Zeltser and his secretary went to Belarus for a court case. They were there to represent the interest of their client. A client worth many millions of dollars. A client Mr. Alyaksandr Lukashenka does not like. That Is the only reason why Mr. Zeltser and Vladlena Funk were found guilty, found guilty even before landing in Minsk, Belarus. Found guilty by Alyaksandr Lukashenka.


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nik_k, 3:31, 22.11


Zeltser case is clear Belarusian terrorist plan to trade country preferences for Zeltsers life. Nothing else. Just business.

Price of human life in Belarus is equal zero.

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