1 апреля 2025, вторник, 2:26
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Хартия 97!
Комментарии 3
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оп, 9:17, 20.08

15 августа российскому бизнесмену Борису Березовскому, который восемь лет находится в международном розыске, была предоставлена возможность встретиться с Э.Зельцером в следственном изоляторе КГБ в Минске.
Нек белорусским чиновникам, а российским властям эту инфу.

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Brian K. Doan , 15:17, 20.08

President Lukaschenko delayed his return from Sochi, where he met with President Medvedev on 19 August 2008, to await the arrival of Prime Minister Putin on 23 August 2008. Prime Minister Putin is certain to address President Lukashenko's violation of Belarus' extradition treaty with Russia. Under their extradition treaty, President Lukaschenko was obligation to arrest Boris Berezovsky for extradition to Russia upon entering Belarus for the crimes he stands convicted of in Russia. Beyond a reprimand, a penalty for Lukaschenko permitting Berezovsky to enter and to leave Belarus is eqaully certain to be in the cards.

Arguably, if Berezovsky was allowed access to Emanuel Zeltser for the purpose of interrogating and intimidating Mr. Zeltser, the farcical trial did not produce what Berezovsky anticipated it would produce--an admission from Mr. Zeltser that the estate documents executed by Badri Patarkatsishvili, appointing Joseph Kay as the executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's $12 billion estate, are the forgeries Berezovsky alleged they were. If Belarusian authorities confiscated the estate documents from Mr. Zeltser and they had proved to be fraudulent, Belarusian authorities would have had no reason to have granted Berezovsky access to Mr. Zeltser to interrogate and to taunt him.

What is implied, if not evident, from Berezovsky's meeting with Mr. Zeltser is that Mr. Zeltser was not in possession of the original copies of the estate documents; that the conviction rendered by the court was based on copies of estate documents that Mr. Zeltser carried with him on his laptop computer.

Absent the original copies of the Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes executed by Mr. Patarkatsishvili, neither Berezovsky, nor Ina Gudavadze, Mr. Patarkatsishvili's widow, are in a position to challenge the Georgian court's ruling recognizing Joseph Kay as the lawfully appointed executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate.

Berezovsky alleged that he commingled all of his assets with Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets, entrusting the management of his assets to Mr. Patarkatsishvili. He is claiming up to fifty percent (50%) of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's investment portfolio. Under his authority as legitimate executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate, Mr. Kay is free to sell the estate assets as he determines is in the best interests of the beneficiaries and heirs. The assets from the sale of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's Georgian held assets will be held by the Georgian Treasury until a court appointed administrator authorizes their disbursement to the beneficiaries and heirs.

Berezovsky is neither a beneficiary nor an heir. He is no less or no more that a creditor making a contentious claim against the estate. As a creditor, he has no legal authority whatsoever to have instituted criminal charges against Mr. Zeltser. Until the original estate documents are submitted into evidence in a court of competent jurisdiction for forensic testing as to their authenticity, there is no evidence upon which to file a criminal complaint.

The sole crime committed in the Berezovsky-Zeltser saga was by Berezovsky when he hastily arranged for Mr. Zeltser to fly to Belarus on his private jet into a waiting trap based on fraudulent and misleading allegations that Mr. Zeltser was in possession of fraudulent documents that Berezovsky alleged Mr. Zeltser intended to use to gain illegal access to Mr. Patarkatsishvili's Belarusian assets. Mr. Zeltser was arrested at the Minsk airport as he descended Berezovsky's plane. It goes without saying that the opportunity for Mr. Zeltser to present the alleged fraudulent documents to Belarusian officials never occurred.

Not without significance, Mr. Berezovsky is believed to have violated conditions of his asylum status when he entered Belarus to testify at Mr. Zeltser's trial and again when he meet with Mr. Zeltser to interrogate him. Britain may be obligated to revoke his refugee status. They may also be obligated to initiate criminal proceedings against Mr. Berezovsky for his unlawful entrapment and fraudulent and misleading statements in a criminal investigation that lead to Mr. Zeltser's wrongful conviction and imprisonment.

Russia versus the U.S. may be more effectual in obtaining Mr. Zeltser's release. It may also be in their best interests to do so given Mr. Zeltser's crucial role in the financial future of Berezovsky, whose assets are now under the control of Mr. Kay. The orchestration of Mr. Zeltser's arrest and imprisonment in Belarus was an ill-thought out act of desperation by a desperate man. If Mr. Zeltser does not survive his incarceration, the onus, at this present time, falls on Berezovsky and Mrs. Gudavadze to prove the estate documents are fruadulent. Mr. Zeltser's release, however, will enable him to submitt the estate documents with the possibility of barring Berezovsky from access to the treasure trove he is claiming against the estate of his former business partner.

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Dzioma, 21:24, 20.08

Brian K. Doan , 15:17, 20.08
>Britain may be obligated to revoke his refugee status.

...which would be just the right thing to do.

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