21 марта 2025, пятница, 8:14
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 3
0 +
госць, 11:48, 3.09

идите, кланяйтесь...

0 +
joga, 14:55, 3.09

thank you for this attempt to entertain us, Mr. Leanid Zaika,
but it is superficial wishy-washy without any hard facts.

an expert would talk about facts - but there are hardly facts
available in Belarus. no experts knows, if the state is liquid
on international markets. no expert knows, what are the
terms and the costs for loans given in Dollars from foreign
countries, especially from Rusia. No expert knows, if the
currency reserves of the state really exist - or if all these
figures are faked. no expert can say anything about the
productivity of the governmental administered economy
sector in Belarus.

how can there be a forecast based on faked figures or
a prognosis, if no expert knows any facts - and how
can other so-called experts comment on such ??

I claim: Belarus is bankrupt already. only the Dollars from
Russia keep the half-dead patient alive, but the loans
must be very very profitable for Russia on the long run.
the next generation have to pay for the damage, which
was caused (or tolerated) by Belarusian "experts" last
two decades.

0 +
даярка за васямсот баксау., 15:49, 3.09

"Поставщики продовольствия, парфюмерии, лекарств готовят коллективное обращение к президенту Беларуси с просьбой отменить это решение"
Во насмяшыле- ен жа вас ненавидит як класс, як ИПешникау- усих буржуяу, кароча. Не магу сказать, што ани там сами ня буржуи на нефти , на сброи, на соли, на калии- но то свае падкантрольныя буржуи- а тут независимыя, сами грошы зарабляюць, ня просюць ничаго- ня пойдзе- ня трэба дажа вашых налогау и таможанных пошлинау и канфискатау у вас- умрыця як класс- гэта ж вы развалили эканомику сваим импартам, а не тыя хто рукавадзиу эканомикай- прасрау, праварау усе гэтыя Лучы, Гарызонты, трахтары, лягпромы.

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