18 марта 2025, вторник, 23:36
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 5
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2nd, 16:22, 16.11

Это туда главный отбеливатель рулон бумаги повез?

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wladimir, 16:30, 16.11

Хотелось бы, чтобы истина доходила до Европы и слушали это порядочные политики (Гавел например). Нужна инициатива, теперь еще и смелость, ну и помощь.

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joga, 19:18, 16.11

forgotten are those citizens convicted in the Case of 14

forgotten is Yana Palyakova

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Mark Davis, 20:54, 16.11

Jehovah's Witnesses and their *lack of* religious tolerance freedom of speech.
They will extol and preach *God's Kingdom* and this sounds attractive,what they hide from you is their Watchtower society version that Jesus has already had his second coming in 1914 and is working *invisibly* through them.

They have won 37 of their 46 US Supreme court cases assuring us all of freedom of speech and assembly and equal protection under the law.
The sad irony is that the Watchtower Society *daily* abuses the human rights of thousands of its members. It denies current members the right of free speech by forbidding them to speak to former members, even close family members.

And it denies former members their right of freedom of worship by refusing to allow them to leave the religion with dignity, should they come to disagree with Watchtower's practices or doctrines.

The religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is an oppressive cult that controls every aspect of its members' lives.

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Машка, 22:50, 16.11

Интересно, мы когда-нибудь сможем в БЕЛАРУСИ свободно обсудить в средствах массовой информации, на ТВ эту актуальную тему?!

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