26 марта 2025, среда, 11:23
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 5
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усатый-полосатый, 13:34, 13.03

Ута Цапф просто перепутала Беларусь с Нигерией... Да для нее что Беларусь что Северная Корея, где-то рядом, садишься на самалет..жжжж вылазишь читаешь с листика и получаешь бабло!

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joga, 0:09, 14.03

As an EU citizen I would like to see, that Mrs. Zapf will have the character and integrity enough for to pay her journey to Belarus out of her own pocket. All her quotes in Minsk are an evidence, that her visit has zero professional background of research activities - and the statements of independent representatives of independent media (published on Charter97.org) are an evidence, that the OSCE delegation totally failed to speak with independent media publishers and journalists.

Is this the level of professionality, which OSCE member states can expect from an officical OSCE mission?

When the collegue of Mrs. Zapf was able to buy one (why only one?) of two newspapers, which were banned from the state controlled kiosk system in Belarus for years - then the question of a professional OSCE delegation leader rather must be: WHY ONLY TWO NEWSPAPERS? Why are not all the other newspapers available, which applied so far? Whom did Mrs. Zapf ask this question in Minsk? (I guess, the delegation was only in Minsk - which would be another evidence for the non-professionality of this strange task force)

When it is already positive for the OSCE, that only two newspapers ARE NOT DEPRIVED ANYMORE from this state controlled distribution channel - why did the OSCE delegation come to Minsk? The whole world knows the fact for months, that Narodnaya Volia and Nasha Niva are available at kiosks in Minsk. Therefore nobody from the OSCE must spend a holiday to Minsk, just for to bring one of these two newspapers as a souvenier back home to Germany. Was this the mission of Mrs. Zapf - or was there something else? What?

As an EU citizen, I consider this mission as one of the most ridiculous OSCE missions ever ... it was led by a person without any Belarus expertise, this delegation leader who is talking in press conferences about facts, which are known for months - and she was not talking about the fact, that about a dozen other newspapers are deprived from the state controlled distribution system. The credibility of the OSCE is in danger by such unprofessional missions.

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Алесь, 0:33, 14.03

усатый-полосатый, 13:34, 13.03
Ты прав,дружище,для этих цаплей мы просто "чурки".Сами,конечно,виноваты,но и их цинизм и лицемерие вызывает большие вопросы.

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Ivan, 11:15, 14.03

А ўсё па-нямецку -- правільна, акуратна, пунктуальна, дзелавіта:
Zapf, Zapfen -- 1. драўняны каранец, затычка; адтуліна ў бочцы для сьцёку вадкасьці; кран. 2. мяшанка з мукі і травы для адкорму хатняй птушкі. 3. клін, болт, зубец.
(4. -- адтуліна ў бочцы ПА АБСЭ для зьліву вадкасьці і вадкай боўтанкі з мукі і травы! Ну, і ўбіць клін!)

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Юлия, 14:46, 14.03

Такие большие, а в сказки верят!!! Европейцы, как и все люди, тоже хотят кушать. А наше слово (хоть и свободное) на хлеб не намажешь, тем более в кризис...

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