19 марта 2025, среда, 13:01
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 32
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Andrei, 13:31, 2.04

Похоже, белорусским чиновникам не бывать в Европе :)

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Чытач, 13:45, 2.04

Интересно получается, европарламентарии видят политзаключённых (Николая Автуховича, Юрия Леонова, Владимира Осипенко и Артема Дубского) без "судебных" решений, а некоторые наши "проевропейские лидеры" - нет. Парадокс.

P.S. А я знаете ли парадоксов друг и сын этих как их а! ошибок трудных.

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панiк, 13:54, 2.04

Зачем с диктаторами в диалог играться?
Вводите экономические санкции - быстро поумнеют.

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Виктор, 13:57, 2.04

"...отменить статьи Уголовного кодекса, которые используются для преследования журналистов и членов незарегистрированных организаций."
А почему бы не конкретизировать какие конкретно статьи, по номерам.

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Сергей Пономарев, Клецк, 14:07, 2.04

Единственная И добрая весть за последнее время...
Хотя... я не расист, но убеждён, что на "нашу" цыганистую натуру это не произведёт особого впечатления и не подвигнет к адекватным действиям во благо для народа Беларуси!

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Lednik, 14:09, 2.04

Теперь нашим политикам необходимо добиваться освобождения политзаключенных Николая Автуховича, Юрия Леонова, Владимира Осипенко и Артема Дубского.
Ссылки некоторых политиков на то, что мол мы ждем решения суда, - маразм.
До саммита по Восточному партнерству 7 мая суда не будет.
Об этом предприниматели проинформировали депутатов Европарламента.

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Скрып Чын & Ko, 14:17, 2.04

"Интересно получается, европарламентарии видят политзаключённых (Николая Автуховича, Юрия Леонова, Владимира Осипенко и Артема Дубского) без "судебных" решений, а некоторые наши "проевропейские лидеры" - нет. Парадокс."

Чытач, посмотрите внимательно на это предложение из текста статьи и сравните с тем, что пишите Вы :

"Европарламент полагает, что развитие политического диалога между ЕС и Беларусью должно зависеть от «снятия ограничений на свободу и прекращения насилия в отношении участников акций протеста и правозащитников». В связи с этим в документе содержится призыв немедленно освободить общественных активистов Николая Автуховича, Юрия Леонова, Владимира Осипенко и Артема Дубского."
Нет никакого парадокса, если заставить себя немного вдуматься в ситуацию.

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фц, 14:18, 2.04

взяли полный запрет на торговлю и в условия восточного партнёрства включили запрет на торговлю с РБ и всё. кризис дожмёт. потом поздно будет. нефть подорожает в рашке деньга появится лишняя и будут нас субсидировать, а счас самое время...

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Сергей Пономарев, Клецк, 14:23, 2.04

"Виктор, 13:57, 2.04
А почему бы не конкретизировать какие конкретно статьи, по номерам"

ст.- 188, 189 (клевета и оскорбление в печатном издании чиновника от власти), ст., ст. - 367, 368 (клевета и оскорбление в печатном издании Президента РБ)
Не будет же Европарламент вычитывать статьи из белорусского УК, где их 466 штук против 280 статей УК огромной российской империи.

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машинист доильной установки, 14:46, 2.04

Вижу конфронтацию между Россией и ЕС. Наш Лека в этой большой игре просто пешка болтающаяся под ногами. ЕС хочет его подмять под себя (никогда этого не будет), но поверьте Лука выкрутиться и будет доить и тех и других. А евросоюз Леке нужен постольку поскольку. Представьте себе конюха на свадьбе у генерала. Будет ему там удобно и комфортно?-нет. Поэтому нынешний избранник народа Белоруси выцыганить постарается побольше у соседей, а в гости к Уго съездит или ему подобным. Там ему комфортнее, его там слушают и понимают. Наша оппозиция ему просто на руку и особо не мешает. И вот поэтому Лека в шоколаде. Еще раз акцентирую Ваше внимание, что водиться он будет с себе равными, с более продвинутыми он на одном поле не сядет....

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Виктор, 14:53, 2.04

Сергей Пономарев, Клецк, 14:23, 2.04
"Виктор, 13:57, 2.04
А почему бы не конкретизировать какие конкретно статьи, по номерам"

ст.- 188, 189 (клевета и оскорбление в печатном издании чиновника от власти), ст., ст. - 367, 368 (клевета и оскорбление в печатном издании Президента РБ)
Не будет же Европарламент вычитывать статьи из белорусского УК, где их 466 штук против 280 статей УК огромной российской империи.
Это я к тому, что недавно какая-то мадам (из Министерства юстции вроде) заявляла что у нас нет политически мотивированных уг.дел. Т.е. ,например, заведенное в 2005 году и не закрытое до сих пор,уг.дело за мультфильмы наши чиновники не считают политическим и ст.367 для них не политическая.Я думаю, что если их не тыкать носом в конкретные статьи,то это всего лишь демагогия.

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bgr, 14:55, 2.04

samoe---glavnoe---ubrat---kolhoznuy---rozu---usatuy--obratno---v--kolhoz -a--to--vse ---strana--stanet--kolhozam--a---narod--bidlom

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2nd, 14:57, 2.04

Отличный ход. Кто-то им все-таки правильно подсказывает, что и когда делать. Десерт к весеннему обострению - просто цинус! :Р Ждите пламенных речей и сумасбродных поступков. Шоу маст го он. Только шоу-то скоро закончится. У всего есть начало, и у всего есть конец.

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Чытач, 15:50, 2.04

to Скрып Чын & Ko, 14:17, 2.04
>>и сравните с тем, что пишите Вы :
>>"... призыв немедленно освободить общественных активистов >>Николая Автуховича, Юрия Леонова, Владимира Осипенко и Артема >>Дубского."
>>Нет никакого парадокса, если заставить себя немного вдуматься в >>ситуацию.

я понял ваш комментарий как намёк на мою не способность глубоко анализировать текст статьи.
содержится призыв к чему? к освобождению. значит сидят, раз сидят - то уже заключённые, так?
теперь главный вопрос - какие заключённые? Что по-вашему европарламентарии требуют освободить уголовников?
так что думайте сами. И хватит защищать этого нашего "лидера", я сам бал его сторонником, но он не оправдал моего доверия.

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азьмь есьмь, 16:14, 2.04

знаете, от ультиматумов редко бывает прок. взаимные уступки лучше... хоть что-то нормально ЕС сделало,. простая блокада показала себя не сильноэффективно, как было все плохо. все плохо и осталось.
бубем надеятся, что за эти 9 месяцев все-тиаки требования будут выполнены, иначе. надеюсь., меры будут одекватными...

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гость, 16:42, 2.04

Власти беларуси и свободные выборы. Как-то режут слух эти словосочетания, произнесённые вместе.ИМХО, могут быть либо свободные выборы, либо власти лукаруссии.

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doms, 17:02, 2.04

There seems to be belief here that Lukash and Belarus as a country is far more important for EU then citizens and victims of Belarus and Lukash regime. That is Soviet and post-soviet thinking that is stuck partly in Baltic states too. The concept of "compassion" seems so foreign so artificial, that many in former soviet lands do not believe that it actually exists. But without compassion, well, democracy and market economy just cant work. Of course, the most it is in Russia. For example, what president told when he saw the widows of "Kursk" sailors, when they were angry, hysterical and crying - he told "get those hired prostitutes out of my sight". At least, thats what his former councillor told. And here is the same - you seem to ignore that this declaration is about human rights, about jutice, about freedom and about people's lives. There are no requests for friendship or for political loyalty. Why are there international human rights organisations in Russia? To gain "loyalty" to West?? No, to fight for some values and for oppresed individuals. Belarus has 10 million inhabitants, EU - 500. Is Belarus important on geopolitical scale? Well, not too much, even if Lukash thinks and tells otherwise. Turkey - yes, that country is much much more important to EU, then Belarus or Lukash will ever be. Turkey has 80 million, and it is mainly muslim. But Belarus, well, not really "very important". But to ignore dictatorship and oppresion in European continent like it was ignored before - EU will never do that again. Thats why NATO attacked Serbia, after all.

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гость, 18:49, 2.04

Влад, 17:18, 2.04

Бедные-бедные чиновники. Не видать вам Парижа, как собственных ушей. Да и где потратить награбленное? Разве что в Узде, что ли?

Замечательная рифма ! :)

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Фрабел., 19:58, 2.04

Горбатого исправит только могила !
Лука столько совершил преступлений, что идти на демократизацию - это отправиться в тюрьму (где ему давно место там).
Поэтому этот НИКОГДА не пойдёт на демократизацию !
Держу пари с любым и под любые условия !
Читайте первое предложение.

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Снежный Ч, 21:12, 2.04

только жесткие экономические санкции могут приблизить свободу Беларуси.

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Миша, 21:59, 2.04

Европа должна быть принципиальной и помнить, что в случае освобождения Беларуси от диктатуры освободиться целый континет!

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КОТ, 22:06, 2.04

ну введут санкции ну и что? Сольют страну России и дело с концом.

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Олег, 22:31, 2.04

что вы паритесь, написано же,- это резолюция, ни к каким действиям против АГЛ она не обязывает, таких уже принято по Беларуси вагон, она ни на что в принципе даже и не повлияет

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doms, 0:12, 3.04

nobody will free Belarus except belarussian people. if you could keep demonstrations and protests in Minsk for even a week, stop all or most of public life there, he would resign.

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Несьцерка, 0:26, 3.04

doms, 17:02, 2.04

There seems to be belief here that Lukash and Belarus as a country is far more important for EU then (than -N) citizens and victims of Belarus and Lukash regime. That is Soviet and post-soviet thinking that is stuck partly in Baltic states too. The concept of "compassion" seems so foreign so artificial, that many in former soviet lands do not believe that it actually exists. But without compassion, well, democracy and market economy just cant work.

- EU itself makes the contrversial steps by changing the own rules (forgetting 12 requirements) and inviting this alkashenka (luka) in Prague. Is it out of "compassion"?
(Yes, in a scale like the recent legalization of prostitution in Sweden. :)
2. Of course, the most it is in Russia. For example, what president told when he saw the widows of "Kursk" sailors, when they were angry, hysterical and crying - he told "get those hired prostitutes out of my sight". At least, thats what his former councillor told.
And here is the same - you seem to ignore that this declaration is about human rights, about jutice, about freedom and about people's lives. There are no requests for friendship or for political loyalty.

- THIS IS HOW (through the worst of Russians) YOU SEE us, typical BELARUSIANS. Ha-hA-Ha. What a revelation! Stupid. Belarusians are the (mostly blue eyed) NORD EUROPEAN nation (under the 200 years' dictatorship of barbaric Russia)!!!
This is your real value of our civil efforts to put this dictatirship down. Thanks, we 'FEEL' it out of the actions of some WestEuropean key-politics too (Mr. Solana e.t.c.)

3. Why are there international human rights organisations in Russia? To gain "loyalty" to West?? No, to fight for some values and for oppresed individuals.

- of course...

4. Belarus has 10 million inhabitants, EU - 500. Is Belarus important on geopolitical scale? Well, not too much, even if Lukash thinks and tells otherwise.

- We Belarusians have our own oppinion too; without any untrained artist-lukash.

5 Turkey - yes, that country is much much more important to EU, then (THAN?) Belarus or Lukash will ever be.

- A new one revelation. Are you so much "Muslims" in you nature (because of the well known here the West-European hypocricy)?

Turkey has 80 million, and it is mainly muslim.

6. But Belarus, well, not really "very important". But to ignore dictatorship and oppresion in European continent like it was ignored before - EU will never do that again. Thats why NATO attacked Serbia, after all.

- GO AWAY!!!

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Следопыт, 6:28, 3.04

>>>>> Ссылки некоторых политиков

что за мудацка совковая манера вместо того чтобы конкретно назвать фамилию ОДНОГО елинственного политика, трындеть про "некоторых политиков" словно их полк или рота. Не разучились еще с 1991 года изъясняться полунамеками и двусмысленностями?

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сашуньчик, 6:56, 3.04

Отитцать главенствующую роль человека как личности в государстве ,это
всё равно что собирать "Витязи" и "Горизонты" на аналоговых элементах в то время как человечество разрабатывает биопроцессоры. Если кто-то от
внешнего мира прячется как страус то причём здесь нация?Если так и дальше пойдет то скоро все поедем в Венисуэлу палками бананы сбивать.Вместо больниц-ледовые дворцы,вместо учереждений культуры-новые корпуса в тюрьмах.Государство больно,вместо создания
благоприятных условий для развития личности оно занимается поборами.
Отвечать придётся одному человеку хотя столько преступлений против нации один совершить не в состоянии.

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Игорь, 10:43, 3.04

Скрып Чын & Ko, Чытач абсолютно прав! Хулигана можно ласково назвать "нарушитель общественного порядка", но суть дела не изменится, он - хулиган! А Николай Автухович, Юрий Леонов, Владимир Осипенко и Артем Дубский - политические заключенные! Я удивляюсь твоей настойчивости в отбеливании репутации продажного товарища Милинкевича!

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doms -> Несьцерка, 13:36, 3.04

1) You seem to have totally misunderstood everything or most that I said.
2) If you're so much not-russians, then maybe stop using their propoganda ir your own political statements? For example, western-european hypocracy? What do you actually know about western world, really? Beyond propoganda and stereotypes?
3) Why saying the truth so upseting to you? Yes, Turkey is far more important for geopolitical reasons, then Belarus can ever be. Just like most of EU members that have even less inhabitants then Turkey. By integrating with EU there is lesser and lesser chance that Turkey might be source of terrorism, for example.
4) Mr. Solana. On European scale he has so little indepepdence, that he is just a bit more politically powerful then any birocrat. EU has barely working Common Foreign Policy, so to claim that Solana is highly important is absurd. Of course, it is important to talk about him, his visit to Belarus, but his importance is SMALL. Even this site has given him far too much importance, not to even mention Lukash. On European political scale I even hadn't noticed him and didn't knew his name before reading about him in here.
5) Inviting Lukash to Prague. Well, a) I think it was czech side that invited him. b) czech has very "interesting" prestident, maybe he invited him-don't know. most of czech people are ashamed of their president. and since de facto each EU member has little coordination between their foreign policy (towards non-EU countries), czech side can do whatever they wish.
6) heh, your thoughts about muslims are truly interesting. and as you kindly asked, no, i'm not a muslim. but for EU there is no place for stereotypes, etc. Reality is that for example France and Germany could not function economically right now, if they wouldn't have millions of muslim people since 70ties. Reality is that if EU has such a member as Turkey - big, democratic and muslim country (it'll enter after it's democratic enough and economically well enough - after ~5-10 years), then other muslim countries will have to think better then support radical groups against EU members. EU wish no conflicts with muslim world, or anyone else for that matter. EU still remembers all the history.
7) as you kindly noticed, my native language is not english.

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Несьцерка, 20:30, 3.04

doms -> Несьцерка, 13:36, 3.04
1) If you're so much not-russians, then maybe stop using their propoganda ir your own political statements? For example, western-european hypocracy?"

- Hypocricy?
I feel hypocricy even in your words about the Turkey membership in EU.
(I'm glad I do, and that I can discern).

2. What do you actually know about western world, really? Beyond propoganda and stereotypes?"

- I can't tell you WHY, but after some of your statements, probably I know about the Western world even more than you, dear doms. It's all because of the mother-globalization, you know. :))
After all, don't be so sure of yourself please. All this well known W.European superriority towards the Belarusian people makes you weak ...before The Reality (let be the current world crisis a kind of the mirror to you).

3) "Why saying the truth so upseting to you?"

- "You're not betrayed me, but disappointed..." (V.Kikabidze. The Georgian chanson-singer towards the Russian intelligentsia after the recent war with Russia).
Let me assure you, the truth about the position of political morons who betrayed the highest European values of life for the egoistic&utilitarian use of Muslim people is not upsetting me.

4) "Yes, Turkey is far more important for geopolitical reasons, then Belarus can ever be. Just like most of EU members that have even less inhabitants then Turkey. By integrating with EU there is lesser and lesser chance that Turkey might be source of terrorism, for example. "

- Uniting Europe on the ground of pure economy is like making no real future for 'EUrself'. Later on such "union" PRACTICALLY will include all Sothern Africa. WHY not..? Then India and China ...all-round in "E" U?
I don't know about you, but I'll never forget: God made me a European guy. I would love to have the same happy neighbours in Asia and elsewhere, but EUROPE IS MY HOME, not only a business-place.
(After the WW2 West Europe have lost almost everything except "business with human material" a la Mr. Freud).

5)The next my statement is showing my personal knowledge of the West European people.
I'm sure this one, below, is the blunder-charade wich makes 'out of sense' the golden middle people of West Europe. After the brainwashinfg by this type of soup of naturalistic ideas they "know-everything" but they are left NOTHING to feel about, and they start acting, excuse me, like zombies (how long it'll be, God?):

"...heh, your thoughts about muslims are truly interesting. and as you kindly asked, no, i'm not a muslim. but for EU there is no place for stereotypes, etc. Reality is that for example France and Germany could not function economically right now, if they wouldn't have millions of muslim people since 70ties. Reality is that if EU has such a member as Turkey - big, democratic and muslim country (it'll enter after it's democratic enough and economically well enough - after ~5-10 years), then other muslim countries will have to think better then support radical groups against EU members. EU wish no conflicts with muslim world, or anyone else for that matter. EU still remembers all the history.

6) as you kindly noticed, my native language is not english."
- Neither is mine but I hope I understand enough your point of view.


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joga, 3:43, 4.04

dear doms,

1) unfortunately you are confusing permanenently the size (expressed by the number of it's inhabitants) with the meaning of GEOPOLITICAL importance of a country. I think, that's the main reason for most of your strange theories. Just look at a map showing oil and gas pipelines between Eastern and Central Europe, for example.

2) What terrorism coming from Turkey are you talking about? And why do you confuse the status of a possible EU membership of Turkey with the EaP-status of Belarus? Keep in touch with facts.

3) If you did'nt know the importance of GASP Javier Solana before, how can you consider yourself informed, how common decisions about the foreign policy of the EU are made inside the European Union?

Just to inform you, dear doms: Javier Solana is Secretary-General of the EU Council (which means, no common EU foreign policy can pass him anyhow) and he is High Representative for the Common Foreign Policy of the EU (which means, he is representing the EU abroad - in issues, where there is an agreed foreign common policy of the EU) ... at the same time he is General-Secretary of Western Eurpean Union, preciding there the Committees for a) policy and b) security policy ... before he became all that, Solana was General-Secretary of the NATO and presiding the Atlantic Council

If you call such person not really importantant, I wonder, how important you consider yourself for giving you the power of ignoring reality at all.

2) The Eastern Partnership was initiated by the European Commission, it's start was decided by the EU Foreign Ministers in December 2008 and confirmed by EU FMs in February. In March the final decision was made by the EU Council - which consists of FMs and the heads of the EU members. You gonna find all the protocols on the official sites of the EU Commission and the EU Council.

The Czech EU presidency can't decide by themselves, whether to invite Lukashenko to Prague. The FMs decided this last weekend in Praha to postpone this decision - but of course they must have agreed upon a common decision strategy. Probably the FMs wanted to wait for the decisions of the Belarusian 'chamber of representatives' on 02/04/2009 - but this is pure speculation. My speculation is: they EU is going to invite Lukashenko officially - but at the moment they want to avoid any public discourse in media - and decelerate protests of people, which are against the invitation of Lukashenko to Prague. Next week we gonna see more.

3) You say, that millions of 'muslim people' were ... what? ... in the 70ies. Anyway, dear doms, many people from South-Eastern Europe were invited to work in Central and Western Europe in the 70ies, because they were needed. They came not only from Turkey - but most of the so-called generation 'Gastarbejter' contributed a lot to the Europe, as we are knowing it now. Times have changed last 40 years, and the questions of time have changed, too. While in the 70ies 'hands' were needed, the economical demand has changed towards 'brains'.

You are not informed properly, when you call Turkey a 'muslim country' - although there does'nt exist the same state of religious liberty than it does in other European countries. Turkey is on the path towards European integration - the most discussed issue is not the matter of religion, but it's size - and how to integrate such a huge country. On the other hand, there are many EU integration programmes running and Turkey is integrated in a custums union already since 1995.

The discussion of integration has slowed down, since there were 12 new countries integrated since 2004 - and it slowed down again, when the decision processes about the EU Reform Treaty became an obstacle for the issue for further expansion. Substantial integration needs time - and it is very obvious - that 27 countries need much more time for a working integratiant, than15 countries. This job is'nt done with signing a contract. There is - by the way - not full integration of the new members achieved so far, for example in the field of the common EU labour market.

These are some reasons, why the Eastern Partnership promises no perspective for an EU membership - as this would cause massive opposition inside the EU. By the way, there is'nt even given a perspective of free velling in the framework of the Eastern Parntership. Everything will depend on the progress, which will be made until year 2013.

To tighten economical relations with the administration of Belarus, but tolerating the dramatical situation of human rights, makes me sad. It is a knowingly and willingly betrayal of human rights. Human rights must have priority in any case - and simple EU citizens like mie should be able to trust, that their highest representatives are respecting this priority. Unfortunately, the European Commission, in particular EU Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner, did not respect the priority of human rights in the case of Belarus.

Ferrero-Waldner was speaking to European Parliament in February. She held a speech about the Eastern Partnership, but she did NOT mention the single countries, which should join this partnership. Also in February, Mr. Solana (on behalf of the EU Council) sent a report to the European Parliament, reporting about the progress of the EU made in 2008. This report mentioned the Eastern Partnership - but it did NOT include the names of the single countries, which should join this partnership.

The members of the European Parliament were either tricked out - or they were not interested in more detailed information about the Eastern Partnership. Their recent resolution about Belarus comes six weeks too late - the final decisions were made by the EU Council in March.

As an democrate, I would prefer, that nobody from the Lukashenko administration would show up in Prague. Nobody of this regime represents the values of democracy. It reminds me on the international farce in year 1999, when Lukashenko was at the OSCE meeting in Istanbul. How has democracy in Belarus changed since then?

The OSCE has become one of the most effective propaganda tools of Lukashenko since then. And next years he will use the Eastern Partnership exactly the same way in order for to remain in absolute power. The unprofessional way of the EU in dealing with this man makes me just laughing.

Herewith, I am suggesting Benita Ferrero-Waldner for the Belarusian 'hero star' - as she made everything to save the political survival of Lukashenko beyond 2011. Javier Solana should be awarded by the Republic of Belarus for to silence out the death of Yana Palyakova at the EU Council - and also the truth about human rights in Belarus. He was informed quite well - but his priority were not human rights.

My heart beats for those, which continue to fight for democracy in Belarus, though the humiliation by the European Union. And I wish all of them, that they gain more independence from monetary EU sources, which seems to makes them silent. Close the ODB in Brussels, as it works more for Ferrero-Waldner than for democracy in Belarus. Get up on your feet, people - on the feet, which touch Belarusian ground.

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Несьцерка, 11:07, 6.04

joga, 3:43, 4.04
"My heart beats for those, which continue to fight for democracy in Belarus, though the humiliation by the European Union. And I wish all of them, that they gain more independence from monetary EU sources, which seems to makes them silent. Close the ODB in Brussels, as it works more for Ferrero-Waldner than for democracy in Belarus. Get up on your feet, people - on the feet, which touch Belarusian ground."

Thanks dear Joga, I hope the European policy shall develop mostly on the ground of such kind of feelings. It catches not pure 'business' but CONSCIENCE.
Nevertheless, I completely disagree with you about the Turkey membership in EU.
I shortly showed it before - WHY.

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