19 марта 2025, среда, 16:56
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 3
0 +
Андрей, 11:49, 22.04

Так все и есть.

А по поводу высказывания шизофреника:
Да да. Пусть обязательно приезжает в Кыргызстан и учавствует в выборах :)
По новой конституции, в которой никаких преференций для узурпаторов не будет.

Алкашенко. "Ты как всегда прав".

0 +
adam, 7:13, 23.04

а гдие финансист ЛУ ??

0 +
Pushkin, 3:25, 25.04

Thanks for Stanislav Shushevich who speakes his mind. I suggest that Bakiyev run for president ot Belarus-now that he is in this miserable country. It may improve the government in Belarus! What does it matter-another dictator or two? Well, Bakiyev is truly out from Kirgizia so where should he go. With the good friends of Lukashenka there are many choices, Iran, Venezuela,China, North Korea, Syria, North Korea-all great democracies who will welcome him with open arms as a truly democratic person who suffered misfortune-and such is the fate of fellow travellers who may follow him-and I think there will be a few more to follow from Central Asian Republics in the next several months. Yes, Belarus is becoming a gathering place for dictators. A few more and Lukashenka will be forced to turf them out of his "home" and construct a special "Dictators Dacha" for all of them to live together. Give them an assembly manual for Minsk Tractors to keep them occupied.

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